Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 12/12/13

St. Sebastian
Thursday, December 12th 2013

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd - Pastor
Fr. Ricardo A. Perez – Parochial Vicar
Fr. Nirmal Costa – Part time Associate Pastor
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro –
Richard O’ Connor –

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor
Augusto Lucero - DRE

Rev. Msgr. Michael Hardiman – Pastor
Rev. Thasseus J. Abraham, SIOL – Parochial Vicar
Rev. Frank Mann – Priest in Residence – DeSales Media
Jo Ann Dolan – Principal
Ms Sonia Casanova - DRE

Fr. Noel Moynihan – Pastor
Patricia Wise – Principal of Religious Ed

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – In Residence (Retired)
Deacon Roberto S. Abundo –
Sr. Mary Jane Kelly - DRE
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/St Vincent de
                Paul Food Pantry

1.       Opening Prayer
2.       Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
3.       Continuation - Communication in the Deanery – Religious Ed.
a.        Fr. Dowd asked that Directors and Coordinators of Faith Formation meet before Feb 13th to discuss some of the points mentioned in our previous Deanery meetings, and to strengthen our network. This will strengthen part of our communication and inform parishes of our work.
4.       News from the Dean
a.        In January, the Deans will meet with the Bishops and Vicars to discuss ways of strengthening other deaneries in the Diocese. It will be one of the items for our Feb 13th Deanery Meeting. Invite the Deacons, and members of your Parish Council for our meeting.
b.       Deacon Gilligan mentioned that their will also be a discussion on merging the Pastoral Planning and Episcopal Vicar’s Office.
c.        Deanery Queens 1 – A meeting was held with representatives of the Parish Pastoral Councils. The Deanery discussed their Pastoral Plan, ideas, and future.   
5.       Pastors Report
a.        St Mary – Preparing for the Feast of Guadalupe. Religious Education is thriving. They are working on reaching out to parents using a program called, “Family Life”. This program is used to help parents and children grow closer to Christ and the Church. A concern was presented about its teaching on “parents”.
b.       St Teresa – Bishop Sanchez visited St. Teresa’s to install Msgr. Ferrari as the pastor. Bishop DiMarzio is visiting St. Teresa’s on. Dec 24 at 10PM. They celebrated the Feast of Guadalupe on Dec 11th, with a Women’s Mariachi Band. They begin their Novena to the Divino Niño on Sunday, Dec 15th – it will include talks by Deacons of Ecuadorian background. They will be hosting for the Pastoral Institute Classes in Spanish. They are hosting Sunnyside/Woodside Boy & Girls Club 4 nights a week. Beginning January 1st, they will be stop mailing envelope packets for Church Contributions. Parishioners will be picking up their envelope packets at the rectory.
c.        St Rafael – They celebrated the Feast of Guadalupe, which included cultural dancing, and fellowship. Fr. Jecewiz mentioned that some who participated in the Mass did not participate in the cultural activities. He believed they moved away from the Tribal or Folklorical dances and customs of the past. The parish sent 3 parishioners to the Pastoral Institute for formation. These parishioners have created a Friday Night Faith Formation for Children in Spanish. They have a Spanish Rosary that turns into a Charismatic Prayer group. The Food Pantry is doing well – the parish is now preparing for their Christmas Distribution. Fr. Jecewiz presented a concern about possible abuse from those who need food. See Item FOOD PANTRY for details. Their Pantry is open twice a week.
d.       Corpus Christi – Mass for the Feast of Guadalupe begins tonight. Sunday begins the Novena to the Divino Niño in English and Spanish. Youth Ministry and Religious Ministry are both doing well. Food Pantry makes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches once a month. It is given to the Coalition for the Homeless the next day.  
e.       St Sebastian – Scripture Study on Wednesday & Saturday. Parishioners who completed their formation at Pastoral Institute are leading the groups. Their film ministry is growing. Mass of the Feast of Guadalupe begins tonight. Sinbang gabi (Nine Day Masses before Sunrise) and the Novena de Aguinaldo before Christmas. Begins Sunday, Dec 15th. Changes were made to the light fixtures in the Chapel. They are hosting the Pastoral Institute Classes in English. Lastly, Msgr. Hardiman will be the Pastor of St. Patrick’s. We wished him our farewell and blessings.
f.         Queen of Angels – 60th Anniversary was a great success. We celebrated with a Parish Picnic, Concert, Mass, and Dinner at Anton’s. Great opportunity to reach out to the Alumni old Parish School. Tonight, the parish will be celebrating the Mass for the Feast of Guadalupe. The Novena de Aguinaldo will begin on Dec 16th, which is being put together by one of our parishioners, Liliam Maya, who was a graduate of the Pastoral Institute. She is the Coordinator of our Parish Hispanic Committee. Children’s Liturgy will be every Sunday to prepare children, and families for Christmas. Sad news – Fr. Ricardo Perez has completed his assignment and will be returning to Colombia on a new assignment. We wish him farewell and our blessings. Also, Fr Nirmal Costa is joining us as a part time parochial vicar, and will be the Coordinator for the Bengali Apostolate. He is shared with St. Bartholomew.
6.       Food Pantry
a.        Fr Jecewiz presented a concern about those who appear to be in need, but either have a car, or send family to pick up food in cars. Usually people in need come to the pantry by foot or by public transportation. The City doesn’t want to deal with the complaints. Policy of the City is to serve anyone asks for help. Many families coming from far to pick up food. Number families: 1,500. It increased to 1,700 families.
b.       Msgr. Hardiman spoke about Champion Supermarket who stopped donations of Thanksgiving Dinners to St Sebastian’s in helping the needy. Reason – same issues presented by Fr. Jecewiz
c.        Fr. Mann explained that addressed similar abuses while at St. Fidelis.
d.       Fr. Abraham explained that some who are immigrants appear to be doing financially well. On the contrary, while they are driving a car, wearing good clothing, or jewelry they may be starving at home. The appearance is to show they are stable in this country. 
e.       Fr Monynihan mentioned that those who come to his parish food pantry are mostly Chinese.
f.         Fr. Brian brought up a point of the extensive publicity by way of the local newspapers. People are reading and sharing information with those in need – another reason why people are traveling far, even in a family member’s car, just to pick up food. He also mentioned that Queen of Angels gives vouchers to Stop & Shop, and Dunken Donuts. We do not have space for a pantry.
g.        Fr. Dowd suggested that we put FOOD PANTRY as an item for discussion in the future.
7.       St Sebastian’s School
a.        Open House begins on Jan 28th & Jan 30th. If they cannot make it on these dates, they can call the office at (718) 429-1982 or (718) 429-5502. Promotions will be published on local and city newspapers.
8.       New Business
a.        Promotion – Advocate for the Disabled – Jan 4th at St. Sebastian’s.
b.       June 14th 2014 – Flag Day Parade – Encouraging our Deanery to participate in this Event.
9.         Closing Prayer

Next Meeting - Thursday, February 13th - 7PM Corpus Christi

Future Meetings

April 10th - 1PM St Teresa
June 19th - 1PM St Raphael