Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 5/1/14

St. Teresa
Thursday, May 1st 2014

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd - Pastor
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro –
Richard O’ Connor –

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor

Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Rev. Thasseus J. Abraham, SIOL – Parochial Vicar
Jo Ann Dolan – Principal
Ms. Sonia Casanova - DRE

Rev. Noel Moynihan – Pastor
Rev. Brendan Duggan – Parochial Vicar
Patricia Wise – Principal of Religious Ed
Eileen Goetzger - DRE

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – In Residence (Retired)
Deacon Roberto S. Abundo
Sr. Mary Jane Kelly - DRE
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/St Vincent de
                Paul Food Pantry
Deacon Peter Stan

1.       Opening Prayer
2.       Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
3.       Deacon Peter Stan from Institutional Commodities (I.C.)
a.        Deacon encourages all the pastors to contact him for any resources needed for their parishes
b.       Currently, I.C. is signing a contract with a new Janitorial Company. Interested? Check DIONET for Updates
c.        Plan ahead for Special Feast Days such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and so much more.
d.       CASTLE Fuel Company is working with I.C. to aid parishes in their fuel costs. Contact Deacon Stan for details.
e.        Caution to pastors on companies who are promoting or sending Customer Sales Reps. who offer lower rates for Electric and Gas. I.C. has been following trends that have been tricking pastors to sign these contracts at a low cost, but later are hit with higher costs. If you sign up, you might be locked into the contract for 2 years. Deacon Stan encourages NOT TO RENEW THE CONTRACT. Get advice from I.C. immediately before signing a new contract. Send in your invoices, and they will give you a more affordable and safe contract. Contact Deacon Stan for details.
f.         Pastors interested in furnishing rooms, auditoriums, classrooms, etc; can contact I.C. to get ideas and resources. In matters of Office and School supplies, Deacon Stan recommended to get a Contract Price, rather than their Store Price for all our supplies. Great for items on sale if it’s below the contract price, parishes would be able to get the sales price if it’s better than the contract price.
g.        I.C. is now the dealer for the following Copy Machine distributers: Xerox, Toshiba, Canon, Sharp, & Konica & Minolta. They will buy out any parish contract, only if the contract is about to expire in less then 2 years. It depends on the timing. Contact Deacon Stan for details.
4.       Welcoming New Members to our Deanery Council Q2 – Rev. Kevin Abels – St Sebastian’s
5.       St Sebastian’s School – Ms. Dolan
a.        Supermarket Bingo – Raised $10,000 . Enrollment – 64 New students for Kindegarten. Current Registration 442. Graduation on June 13th – All Pastors are welcome. First Communion on Saturday, May 3rd
6.       Pastors Report
a.        St Mary – The Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans) will be leaving St. Mary’s Church. Farewell Mass for Rev. Noel Moynihan & Rev. Brendan Duggan will be Sunday, June 22nd at 3PM  • Food bank is doing well.  • Religious Ed has been doing well. Receiving Communion: 109; Receiving Confirmation: 78. Their numbers increased for 2014.  The Holy Ghost Fathers are giving two $500 Scholarships for St Sebastian’s School.  .
b.       St Teresa – The parish signed a 20 year lease with the Board of Ed. They are putting $10 Million to renovate and update interior of the School building. Construction begins June 2014. When the interior is completed, the parish is responsible for the exterior of the building. Sr. Mary Jane Kelly will be retiring as the DRE for St. Teresa after 20 years of service. We wish her well and many blessings. Everyone is invited to her Farewell on June 1st at the 12PM Mass, followed by a lunch.  The Pastor has assigned the Pastoral Associate, Noberto Saldana, as the new CRE for St. Teresa. He will be working along side Marcela, secretary of St Teresa’s Religious Ed Program.  Religious Ed will be moved to the auditorium temporarily. Msgr. Ferrari is inquiring about partition or movable walls for temporary use in the auditorium.  Boys and & Girls Club of Sunnyside & Woodside will no longer be using the School Gym.   Members of the parish will be participating in a pilgrimage to France to visit the shrine of St Teresa.
c.        Queen of Angels – Currently in search for candidates the Parish Pastoral Council Members.  Queen of Angel’s, and St. Raphael’s will join together for the Confirmation Mass on Thursday, May 8th.  On Saturday, May 10th, children will be receiving 1st Communion.  Fr. Ricardo has returned to Columbia in late January 2014. 
Fr. firmal, Director for the Bengali Apostolate for the Diocese of Brooklyn, had returned to Bangladesh on Ash Wednesday due to illness. No word on a Successor for the Bengali Apostolate.  We received a part time priest,
Fr. Henecimo Figueroa.  The Vicar of Queens, Fr. Tom Pettei, will be making Queen of Angels his place of residence.  The Youth Ministry has grown to Seven Youth Groups in the Parish. The Youth Ministry is working together with St. Teresa’s Troopers of Faith.
d.       St Rafael – Elizabeth Ciro, who coordinates the Food Pantry, is undergoing Chemo Therapy. Please keep her in your prayers.  The City is asking the Food Pantries to sign an agreement that they will offer 9 meals to a family. They serve 1500 people a month. If they cannot give 9 meals per family, then City has suggested that the Food Pantry should be open once a month or so. Still unclear, but they are looking into it. This is a challenge.  The parish is incorporating the Korean community in the parish.  A Korean Religious Nun has joined the work.  They had to postpone the purchase of the Holy Ghost Father’s House, due to the renovation of the school roof.  A new initiative on Religious Formation for the entire family. It continues to grow.  The Parish is working on a Monthly Flee Market.  The Youth Group has grown. Minor adjustments were made to the lighting in the Church to help in lowering the costs of Electricity.  Confirmation Candidates of the parish will be joining Queen of Angels Candidates for a Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, May 3rd.  Receiving Confirmation: 20; Receiving Communion: 32.  •The Korean Community is now working together with the Religious Education Program.
e.       Corpus Christi – Reconciliation Monday was a success – 18 hours of Confessions. Future plans for 2015 to move the Spanish Community for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday into the Gym, due to space. They had over 800 people attend Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Masses.  The number of weddings has increased. They will be having a group wedding in the fall 2014.  Confirmation Mass on May 9th. Communion Mass on May 10th.
Getting a head start on registrations for Religious Education for 2014-2015.  They are having Space Issues – possible plans to creating a Summer School Religious Education Program.   Parish Feast Day  - June 22nd combining the 11AM Spanish Mass, and 12:30PM English Mass. Bishop Cisneros will be celebrating the Mass.
Saturday, September 6th – Presentation on the Life of St. Faustina.  Issues with maintenance – parish water seeping into the Church.  Fr. West is looking to find a youth minister or partner up with Parishes who want to have Deanery Youth Minister. Queen of Angel’s, & St Sebastian’s are interested in working together.
f.         St Sebastian – Rev. Abels thanked everyone for their welcome & support.  He will continue to be the Vocation Director for the Diocese of Brooklyn.  Deacon Jorge Castillo will be assigned to St. Sebastian’s – he will be aiding Rev. Abels with the Spanish Masses in June.  Deacon Perez has retired from his assignment.  Receiving Communion: 119. Confirmation Mass is pending for the Fall 2014.  Registration begins on June 3rd
7.       News from the Dean
a.        If you have any news, activities, or events – share them with Fran Klettner who is in charge of DEANERY HAPPENINGS – Contact – 718-937-5428 (Both Office and Fax#) /
8.       New Business
a.        Saturday, June 14th 2014 – Flag Day Parade – Encouraging our Deanery to participate in this Event.
9.       Closing Prayer

Next Meeting - June 19th - 1PM St Raphael