Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 6/19/14

St. Rafael
Thursday, June 19th 2014

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd - Pastor
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro –
Richard O’ Connor –
Joseph Becker -

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor

Rev. Noel Moynihan – Pastor
Patricia Wise – Principal of Religious Ed

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – In Residence (Retired)
Deacon Roberto S. Abundo
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/St Vincent de
                Paul Food Pantry
Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Jo Ann Dolan – Principal
Ms. Sonia Casanova - DRE

Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Jo Ann Dolan – Principal

Ms. Sonia Casanova - DRE

1.       Opening Prayer
2.       Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
a.        Correction on Name – Deacon Peter Stamm
3.       News from the Dean: Territorial Vicars & Deans from Brooklyn & Queens met in late May to report on their first year. The Bishop was present for the meeting and gave his final remarks.
a.        Pastoral Planning Office has been reconfigured and has become the Territorial Vicars Office. Robert Choiniere is still a consultant on many of the projects he’s helped create in the past. Ellen Rhatigan will be a support specialist for Queens Deanery – Resource for Parish Pastoral Council, data collection & retrieval. Patrick Turner, second support specialist, took a position in the Diocese of Bridgeport. No word on a support specialist for our diocese.
b.       Territorial Vicars are Rev. Thomas Pettie for Queens, & Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi for Brooklyn.  Deans will inform and aid the Territorial Vicars.
c.        Catholic Academies: A contract / request of pastoral assistance will be given to parishes aligned to a particular academy. Pastoral Assistance would include celebration of the liturgy, classroom visits, confessions, and so much more. Majority of parishes in Deanery Q2 are aligned with St. Sebastian’s Catholic School, except Corpus Christi (Canonically Aligned with St Joseph’s Academy). St Sebastian’s Catholic School is not an academy, but in the future all Catholic School’s will become Academies in 2017. Our parishes in Deanery Q2 are aligned by association with St. Sebastian’s Catholic School, but are not Canonically Aligned because it is not an Academy. A  Canonical Alignment Feed Back form is available for Pastors who wish to express their thoughts and concerns..
d.       Hospitals & Chaplains: It is over seen by Dc. Thomas Paige, together with Dc. Julio Barreneche, under Bishop Raymond Chappetto’s Office.
e.       Diocesan Capitol Campaign: Bishop DiMarzio believes that it is necessary to have this campaign. These funds are necessary for the care of senior clergy, parish building concerns (handled by office of buildings), and more. The company aiding the Diocese is Community Counseling Services. Twenty Four parishes were chosen for the pilot phase: 12 Parishes in Queens; 12 Parishes in Brooklyn. These parishes will be evaluated by the Buildings Office, than a sub-committee from the Pastors Advisory Committee will choose the 24 parishes. There will be total of 4 stages; 1st stage begins in Jan 2015; 2nd stage in June 2015; 3rd stage in Jan 2016; 4th stage in June 2016. Bishop DiMarzio will make the announcements soon. Goal is $80 Million for the entire Diocese. Fr. Brian encouraged the pastors to begin developing a team, and plan to prepare for the campaign.  
f.         Sacred Heart Institute – All priests & deacons should register. Each priest is required to complete 30 credits within a 3 year period. The Diocese of Brooklyn has the highest percentage registered with the Sacred Heart Institute. There are many ways in getting credits; example - retreats count for 7 credits. Each priest or deacon is responsible to inform the Sacred Heart Institute in order to get credit for retreats, courses, online courses, etc. For details - 631-423-0483 ext 185 /
g.        Final Remarks from Bishop DiMarzio – Spoke of his appreciation towards the Vicars and Deans, and he encouraged them to continue being a pastoral presence in their Deanery. A few items he wanted the Dean’s to address:
                                                               i.      According to Census Information, there are 120,000 children in the Diocese of Brooklyn who are baptized Catholics. We have only 40,000 children attending our Faith Formation Program throughout the Diocese. How can we reach out to the 80,000 children missing and/or have not received their sacraments? He encouraged the Dean’s towards evangelization. Fr. Brian encourages the Faith Formation Directors and Coordinators to address the issue, and to come up with a plan.
                                                              ii.      The need for Certified Catechists.
                                                            iii.      Deanery Adoration Nights for Vocations.
                                                            iv.      Develop a Vocation Committee for each parish.
4.       Washington DC Pilgrimage – Saturday, October 25th, 2014. Pastors received a packet at the Pastors Meeting. Our Deanery Q2 voted to join another Deanery. Fr. Brian will speak with the Dean of Q1.
5.       Worldwide Marriage Encounter – Joe Becker: A ministry that hosts weekend retreats to help strengthen Catholic Marriages.  Joe Becker folder containing the details and extra resources for Catholic couples in need. 1) Catholic Engaged Encounter - 2) Retrouvaille – For Troubled Marriages - 3) Beginning Experience – For individuals grieving the loss of a loved one through death, divorce, or separation. It is also for individuals who ready to come to terms with possible separation or divorce - WWME provides the retreats in both English and Spanish. Those who are in a Civil Marriage or “Living Together”, are welcome to participate, because it has brought couples to the Sacrament of Marriage. 
6.       Schedule for Sept 2014-June 2015
Oct 16th - 1PM - Corpus Christi
March 19th - 1PM - St Raphael
7.       New Business
a.        Queen of Angels Parish Picnic – Saturday, June 28th , 12PM to 5PM
b.       St Sebastian’s – World Day of Prayer for Priestly Holiness – Friday, June 27th 6PM – 10PM
c.        Renew Your Vision – Formation for Youth Groups and Youth Ministry is being hosted at Queen of Angels Church. It began on Thursday, June 5th. Three parishes participated: 1 from Our Lady of Lourdes in Brooklyn, 3 from Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians; 6 from Queen of Angels Church. The participants would conclude the course with an exercise – creating a youth group from scratch. RYV ends on June 27th.    
d.       St Sebastian’s – Beginning in September of 2014, there will be a 7PM Weekday Masses (Mon-Fri). Thursday will only be a Spanish Mass.
e.       St Teresa – St Vincent de Paul was awarded $2,500 grant money for their food pantry. St Sebastian’s was awarded $2,000 as well for their food pantry.