Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 9/18/14

Queen of Angels
Thursday, September 18th 2014

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd – Pastor
Rev Msgr. Jonas C. Achacoso – PT Parochial Vicar
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro – Food Pantry

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor

Rev. Christopher O’ Connor – Pastor
Rev. Evans Julce – Parochial Vicar

Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – In Residence (Retired)
Deacon Roberto S. Abundo
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/
                    St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Rev. Carlos Velasquez
Rev. Rodnev Lapommeray

Very Rev. Thomas Pettei – Vicar of Queens
Rev. Josephjude Gannon –Vocations Team

Rev. Christopher O’ Connor – Pastor
Rev. Evans Julce – Parochial Vicar

1.        Opening Prayer
2.        Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
3.        Presenation of Agenda Items:
a.        Rev. Josephjude Gannon - Vocations: Bishop introduced a new plan for a Vocation Outreach Team. Over seeing the team will be Fr. James Rodriguez – the Vocation Director. Our contact will be Rev. Gannon. Pastors, and leadership can ask for resources at the Vocation Office. The Office of Vocations encourages parishes to invite our delegate, Rev. Gannon to give talks at Masses and//or Holy Hours, at parish groups - most especially youth and young adults groups / programs, and parish schools. Contact Rev. Gannon at St. Gerard Majella - 718-468-6565. For resources and information from the Vocation Office call or email: 718-827-2454 /
b.       Recreational Program for the Youth in the neighborhood: Kenny from St. Raphael, worked with the Boys & Girls Club of Sunnyside & Woodside. The club has been disbanded. Kenny contacted Fr. Dowd and discussed his interest in starting a Recreational Program, which work closely with the Deanery. Several ideas have come up to start a Deanery Sports initiative within the youth groups - Kenny was informed about it. Kenny is looking for space to have these activities. Parishes in our Deanery lack sufficient space due to other activities or programs like CYO. More to come about the Recreational Program
c.        Deanery Planning Process: Deanery planning process: The Episcopal Vicar Support team is encouraging our Deanery to create a 5 Year Plan with goals. Two meetings can be made to work together with the Episcopal Vicar Support Team. Fr. Dowd, and Fr. Pettei explained that this plan is to help us network, share ideas, collaborate, and execute these goals. They encouraged parish leadership to get involved in the planning.
d.       Faith Formation: Faith Formation: Concern about the shortage of Communions and Confirmation in the Diocese. Fr. Dowd encouraged us to call a meeting to create a plan of action toward youth in our community who have not received all or some of the Sacraments of Initiation. We scheduled a meeting at Queen of Angels for Thursday, October 9th 2014 at 10AM.
e.        Parish Reports:
                                                               i.      Queen of Angels: Parish Pastoral Council is planning a Ministry Fair for the Parish. ESL Program will begin on Saturday, September 21st at 2PM

                                                             ii.      St. Sebastian: Received two new priests - Rev. Carlos Velasquez & Rev. Rodnev Lapommeray. The parish has begun a 4th weekday Mass in the Evenings at 7PM: Mon., Tues., Weds., Friday in English, and Thursday in Spanish. The Schedule for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will change in October from Wednesdays, 7:30AM to 7PM. New schedule will be Monday - Friday, 7:30AM to 7PM. Registrations for Faith Formation has increased in size. Enrollment went from 292 to 413 after a big push for Catechist.

                                                           iii.      St. Mary's: BVM Help of Christians: Fr. O’Connor is now the new pastor. Fr. O’Connor invited parishioners to participate in cleaning up the Church. 75 Volunteers participated. Faith Formation started on Wednesday September 17th.  They will be hosting a Catechetical activity with the Office of Faith Formation for Directors and Coordinators of Faith Formation.

                                                           iv.      St. Raphael’s:  Bishop DiMarzio made a Pastoral Visit to their parish. Korean community is putting together a Bizarre for the parish and community. They are also celebrating the feast of the martyrs of Korea at the Co-Cathedral of St Joseph on Friday Night. The Spanish community is planning an all day retreat on September 27th.

                                                             v.      Corpus Christi: Faith Formation starts next week. Basket Ball program started up. St. Faustina play was successful.

                                                           vi.      St Theresa: Blessing of Animals on Oct 4th at 2PM. Feast of St. Theresa, Oct 4th with 5PM Mass. Feast of the San Lorenzo, Sept 21st and 5PM Mass. They started the Faith Formation Program. Spanish Charismatic group hosts a Holy Hour for the Community, twice a year.
5.       Other Business

a.       School of St Sebastian’s will be turning into an Academy in 2017. They are developing a group to help in the transition towards an academy. Enrollment is at 458. Fr. Dowd and Fr. O’Connor will be celebrating Mass with the Fr. Abels for the Opening of the School Year. Confirmation is on Oct 2nd. Currents (NET TV) did a piece about the School. SEE VIDEO -  They interviewed Mrs. Dolan, Sr. Theresa, and one of their Gym teachers. They hired 6 new teachers.
b.       Renew Your Vision – Members of the Queen of Angels Church Youth Ministry, St. Mary’s – BVM Help of Christian, and Our Lady of Lourdes (Brooklyn) joined together for a 4 Week Course on Developing and Strengthening Youth Ministry.
c.        Fr. O’Connor Installation Mass will be on Saturday Oct 18th at 5pm.

6.       Closing Prayer

Oct 16th - 1PM - Corpus Christi
Dec 11th - 1PM - St Sebastian
Jan 15th - 7PM  - Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians - St Mary's
March 19th - 1PM - St Raphael
May 21st - 1PM - St Teresa