Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 10/16/14

Corpus Christi
Thursday, October 16th 2014

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd – Pastor
Rev Msgr. Jonas C. Achacoso – PT Parochial Vicar
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro – Food Pantry

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor
Augusto Lucero - DRE

Rev. Christopher O’ Connor – Pastor
Rev. Evans Julce – Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Patricia Wise – DRE

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – In Residence (Retired)
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/
                    St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Rev. Carlos Velasquez

1.        Opening Prayer
2.        Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
a.        Correction – Miss spelling of Bazar for the Sept Deanery Minutes.
3.        Presenation of Agenda Items:
a.        Recreational Program for the Youth in the neighborhood: Kenny from St. Raphael, who worked with the Boys & Girls Club of Sunnyside & Woodside, has expressed interest in starting up a sports program within our Deanery. Kenny contacted Fr. Dowd again to discuss ideas and ways to create a Recreational Program within our Deanery. There was little response from the parishes within our Deanery. Kenny is looking for space to have these activities. Parishes in our Deanery lack sufficient space due to other activities or programs like CYO. Pastors voted not to support at this time.  
b.        Directors of Faith Formation Meeting Report: The Directors and Coordinators of Faith Formation discussed about networking resources, sharing ideas, collecting data, support and formation for fellow Catechists, registration fees, text book and materials for students, and boundaries. Our next meeting will highlight the Structure of our Programs, Parent Formation, Continual Faith Formation, and formation for Catechists. Pastors, DFFs, and CFFs agree that we need to be on the same page. The standards were set by the Office of Faith Formation – it’s up to the Pastor/DFF/CFF to apply it to their parish life. Modifications can be implemented based on the Pastoral needs of a parish. We will be meeting on December 18th.
c.        Deanery Planning Process: (Part 2) Deanery planning process: The Episcopal Vicar Support team is encouraging our Deanery to create a 5 Year Plan with goals. Ellen Rhatigen will be our representative.  This Deanery Planning Process must address the Real Needs of our Deanery. Details of the Deanery Collaboration Process will focus on 4 things:
                                                               i.      Identify our strengths and challenges as a Deanery
                                                             ii.      Identify areas where we can collaborate as a Deanery
                                                            iii.      Develop and Foster a system Communication and Collaboration in our Deanery
                                                            iv.      To implement our shared goals, strategies, and development of a core leadership within 2 Years
Details can be found on the attachment that was sent by email.

Our Deanery will be part of the Pilot Process. A decision was made by the Pastors to have 2 meetings – 1st on January 15th at 7PM, and March 19th at 7PM. 2 Parish lay representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council are asked to participate at the January 15th meeting.
d.       Parish Reports:
                                                               i.      Queen of Angels: Friday Night Youth Center opened up in the beginning of October. The Parish held a Swing Band Concert on Sept 28. Our next event will be Ocktober Fest on Saturday, Oct. 25th with special guest “Spatz Donovan.”
                                                             ii.      St Sebastian – Korean Community is asking the Fr. Abel to start a once a month Mass. The Pastors gave suggestions and concerns about the process. Deanery already has a Korean Mass celebrated at St. Raphael’s. Still to be discussed.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament schedule will be Monday - Friday, 7:30AM to 7PM. They are adding an extra time for Confession after the 7PM evening daily masses. 

St. Sebastian School – is accepting an award at St James Cathedral. School will be closed on Monday, Oct 22nd for a Formation Program on Bullying. They are planning to resurrect a Parents Board for the School. Mrs. Dolan passed out a flyer about the Diocese Emergency Alert Program that is being provided by DeSales Communication. Details can be found on their web site @ The 8th graders will be receiving their ring/pins at the 9 AM Mass on Friday, November 7th. Mrs. Dolan invited all the Pastors to join in the celebration.  A celebration will follow for the students and their parents in the school auditorium.
                                                            iii.      St. Mary's: BVM Help of Christians: Fr. O’Connor will be installed as Pastor on Saturday, Oct 18th. We congratulate Fr. O’Connor, and offer our prayers and support.
                                                            iv.      St. Raphael’s: The Director of the Mexican Apostolate, Fr. Jorge, visited the parish to discuss plans and activities of the Apostolate. There are plans to have regional masses in the future for the Mexican Apostolate. Much of the activities, events, or lectures for the Apostolate will take place at the Co-Cathedral of St Joseph. The distance presents a problem for members of St. Raphael’s.
                                                              v.      Corpus Christi: Hired a Youth Minister to start a youth group on Thursday Evenings.
                                                            vi.      St Theresa: Annual Parish Mission will be on Oct 19th to Oct 21st. The parish leased out the school building to the Board of Ed. Construction began in June, and should conclude by September 2015 – They moved their Religious Ed program down to the Auditorium, due to the construction. They rented partitions to help create classrooms. The Parish is part of a Pilot Program called Generation Faith Campaign – their goal is to raise $445,000. Dancing with the Community Stars will not be held at the Parish, but at the Boys and Girls Club Center in Long Island City. They started a Monthly French Film Festival to help inspire people to join in the Trip to France – It’s free and everyone is welcome to participate.
5.       Other Business

a.        A Teen Safety concern was presented by Dr. Conrado Gomez, who explained to the Deanery the necessity of informing parents and leadership about present dangers that can affect our families. He explained that Sexual Predators can groom teens into doing things with simple instruction, sometimes even complex, just to trap them in a dangerous situation.  Families seem to have little control of the activities that their teens enter into with strangers, especially when it comes to the Social Media Networks and Emails. Child and Teen Lures have topics and articles on this issue. Several sites can be used to help Pastors, Parish Staff, Catechists, Youth Ministers, Parish Leaders, and Parents be informed:
                                                                           i.      ISAFE -
                                                                         ii.      Virtus –
                                                                        iii.      Shield the Vulnerable -
                                                                         iv.      Child Lures Prevention -
                                                                          v.      Teen Lures Prevention - /  
b.        Bulletins are emailed to every Pastor in our Deanery by the Secretaries of the Parishes.
c.        Diocesan Pilgrimage Washington D.C. – St Sebastian’s is going and will inform Pastors about the trip
d.       March for Life – Jan 22nd – St. Mary’s is interested in collaborating with other parishes to get a bus to go to the march.
Details will be presented at the next Deanery Meeting. 

6.       Closing Prayer

Jan 15th - 7PM - Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians - St Mary's
March 19th - 7PM - St Raphael – UPDATE (Decided on Oct 16th)
May 21st - 1PM - St Teresa
