Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 12/11/14

St. Sebastian
Thursday, December 11th 2014

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd – Pastor
Rev Msgr. Jonas C. Achacoso – PT Parochial Vicar
Mr. Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/YM
Mrs. Carmen Cruz – CFF
Dr. Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer – DRE
Mr. Richard O’Connor - Food Pantry
Ms. Elizabeth Ciro – Food Pantry

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor

Rev. Christopher O’ Connor – Pastor
Rev. Evans Julce – Parochial Vicar

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor

Rev. Kevin Abels – Pastor
Rev. Carlos Velasquez – Parochial Vicar
Rev. Rodnev Lapommeray – Parochial Vicar
Rev. Abraham Thaddeus – Parochial Vicar
Dcn. Jorge Castillo – Part time
Ms. Sonia Casanova – DRE

Ms. Ellen Rhatigan – Deanery Planning Process

1.        Opening Prayer
3.        Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
4.        Presenation of Agenda Items:
a.        Deanery Planning Process: (Part 3) Ellen Rhatigan, from the Office of the Vicar, joined us to discuss the Deanery Planning Process. She expressed that our Deanery is doing a great job in the Planning Process. There will be 2 meetings Planning Process – 1st on January 15th at 7PM, and 2nd on March 19th at 7PM. She emphasized to our Deanery that two lay representatives from the Parish Pastoral Council should participate in both meetings. Three questions were given to each parish pastoral council:
                                                               i.      As a parish, what makes you most proud?
                                                             ii.      What are you struggling with as a parish (internally and externally)?
                                                            iii.      What issues do you see in the community that are impacting the parish?

Queen of Angels, Corpus Christi, and St Sebastian’s have completed the questions. Parishes that did not complete the questions have until Jan 15th 2015. They can submit the questions to Fr. Dowd. Ms. Rhatigan explained that the Deanery Planning Process must address the Real Needs of our Deanery. Parishes should focus on 4 things:
                                                            iv.      Identify our strengths and challenges as a Deanery
                                                              v.      Identify areas where we can collaborate as a Deanery
                                                            vi.      Develop and Foster a system Communication and Collaboration in our Deanery
                                                           vii.      To implement our shared goals, strategies, and development of a core leadership within 2 Years

b.         Parish Reports:
                                                               i.      Queen of Angels: We had our Advent Mission in English and Spanish – reflections can be found on video (Eng - / Span - • We celebrated an Ecumenical gathering for the Feast of St. Nicholas Illumination and Carol Sing on Dec 4th.  • Feast of O.L. Guadalupe begins tonight with the Rosary and ends with the Mass and Celebration tomorrow evening. • Faith Formation is putting together a Children’s Play titled “Love Came Down at Christmas” on Dec 14th at 4PM – it will include a potluck dinner for the family. • We are having our Annual Christmas Concert on Dec 24th at 4:30PM and 11:30PM. • The Christmas Bengali Mass will not be celebrated on Christmas Eve, but will be celebrated on Sunday, Dec. 28th at 5PM. Please share the information with your Bengali Parishioners.
                                                             ii.      St Sebastian – In preparation for Advent, the parish had an all day advent penance from 7:30AM to 7PM on Tuesday Dec 10th. In addition to Penance on Saturday, the parish has Penance on Monday morning after the Mass, Penence after Mass on Wednesday Evening, and Penance in Spanish after Mass on Thursday Evening. • Included in their Advent celebration they started Vespers on Sunday with Special Guest Speakers. • Other events during Advent, like O.L. of Guadalupe are being celebrated. •  They will be having a 12 Mid-Night Mass. • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is Monday - Friday, 7:30AM to 7PM.

St. Sebastian School – Open House will be on January 27th and January 29th from 9AM to 10:30am. Deanery received a Flyer from Fr. Abels. Please use this for your Bulletin Blurb:

OPEN HOUSE AT ST. SEBASTIAN SCHOOL: St. Sebastian School – A Catholic School of Excellence serving the parishes of B.V.M. Help of Christians, Queen of Angels and St. Sebastian - will be having an Open House on January 27th and January 29th from 9AM – 10:30AM. We’re located on 39-76 58 Street; Woodside, NY 11377. For more details, contact us at 718-429-1982. Find us on the web @


                                                            iii.      St. Mary's: BVM Help of Christians: Last Sunday they hosted a Diocesan meeting for the Mexican Apostolate. Fr. O’Connor met with the Director of the Apostolate – Rev. Jorge. Tonight they celebrate their Feast of O.L. of Guadalupe at 11PM in Honor of St. Juan Diego. Celebration continues on Friday Morning with the “Antocha” at the Cathedral. Fr. O’Connor will return to the parish to celebrate the Feast of O.L. of Guadalupe at 7PM, followed by a musical procession around the Church with Mariachi’s. They will end with celebrations. • Next Thursday they will do Christmas Caroling around the neighborhood. • They are also doing a Raffle for the Young Adults who are attending World Youth Day in Poland. See OTHER BUSINESS for details. • There will not be a Mid-Night Mass on Christmas Eve. • Rev O’Connor is installing Surveillance Camera’s due to a security and theft problem. Fr. Jecewiz suggested to Fr. O’Connor and to all the Pastors – see OTHER BUSINESS for details.  
                                                            iv.      St. Raphael’s: Fr. Jecewiz gave a report on the Food Pantry. They had over spent for this year – this is because of the increase in prices for food, and cut backs on food stamps. They are collecting gift items for clients who are participating in their Advent Giving Tree Program. • Feast of O.L. of Guadalupe Mass was celebrated on Saturday, Dec 6th. • Korean Community has completed a major retreat – Fr. Jecewiz explained that the Korean Community is not from the area, but comes to St Raphael’s to celebrate their faith.
                                                              v.      Corpus Christi:  Feast of O.L. Guadalupe begins tonight with the Rosary and ends with the Mass and Celebration tomorrow evening. • English and Spanish Novenas for Christmas begin on Monday and end with a Bilingual Mass on Christmas Eve. • Fr. West hired a Youth Minister to start a youth group on Thursday Evenings. Scripture sharing has been going very well.
                                                            vi.      St Theresa: Feast of O.L. Guadalupe Mass will be on Sunday at 10:30AM. Rosary will begin tonight and the Mañanitas will be on Saturday Night. • Monday, Dec 15th begins the Novena to the Divino Niño – which have will talks by visiting priests, deacons, and seminarians. Theme will focus on Pope Francis’ teachings on “People of Mercy”.  It will conclude with a big celebration on Christmas Day. • The Parish is part of a Pilot Program called Generations Faith Campaign – their goal is to raise $445,000. They have made 50% of their goal. •  Msgr. Ferrari has recommended his Music Director to any Pastor who is looking to hire.
5.        New Members to the Deanery:
a.         Fr. Abels introduced to us Mr. Harry Connor – Director of Buildings and Grounds, Deacon Jorge Castillo – Part time Deacon for St. Sebastian, and Sally Williams – Coordinator of Pastoral Care.
6.        Other Business:
a.         St. Mary’s / BVM is holding Raffle for Young Adults going to World Youth Day. Cost $40. Winner gets 4 Tickets to Fly anywhere with JetBlue. SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS
b.         Recommendation for Pastors: Anti – Theft Iridescent Powder that can be bought at a Spy Shop – SEE or call them at (718) 779-9580. Fr. Jecewiz explained that it is possible to get some of the money back through insurance.
c.         Deanery is interested in doing an All Monday Penance, similar to the Lenten Season. It is being done in the Archdiocese of New York. Pastors of the Deanery believe that this may cause confusion to Parishioners of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Fr. Dowd and Ms. Rhatigan will mention it to Vicar. No decision was made as Deanery to pick a day or to it on the same day that the Archdiocese of New York. More to come by email.
d.        Fr Evans presented to us a plan for attending the March to Life. The cost for the trip will be $65. It does not include sleeping bag or toiletries. The trip will be for 2 days, beginning on January 21st, and ending on January 22nd. We would meet at St. Mary’s Church before 9AM and return back to the parish at 11PM. Details will follow during the month of December 2014 & January2015.
e.         Dr. Gomez presented an idea for DFF’s and CFF’s for our RCIA program, using the Compendium of the CCC as the structure of our classes. If DFF’s and CFF’s within our Deanery use the same Syllabus, it would be easy for any adult student to transfer into any of our Parish RCIA Programs. He believes that the Program can work alongside our Liturgical Calendar, fostering in our Adult Students a love for Sacred Scripture and Spiritual Formation. SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS
f.         Fr. Lapommeray open the discussion on Young Adult Ministry within the Deanery. Members of St Sebastian Young Adults would like to invite Young Adults within our Deanery to participate in their group meeting. He asked for permission to spread the word through our Deanery. Fr. Dowd recommended Fr. Lapommeray to get in touch with Ms. Fran Klettner who is in charge of the “Deanery Happenings”. Ms. Klettner receives by email events and activities to have them posted in every Bulletin within our Deanery. Ms. Klettner’s email is  A suggestion was made to Deanery to discuss the topic of Youth Ministry and Young Adults Ministry on Jan 15 2015, or March 19th 2015.
7.        Closing Prayer

Jan 15th - 7PM - Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians - St Mary's
March 19th - 7PM - St Raphael – UPDATE (Decided on Oct 16th)
May 21st - 1PM - St Teresa