Saturday, March 21, 2015

Deanery Q2 Minutes 10/17/13

Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christian’s – St Mary
Thursday, October 17th 2013

Future Meetings
February 13th - 7PM Corpus Christi
April 10th - 1PM St Teresa
June 19th - 1PM St Raphael

In Attendance:

Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd - Pastor
Fr. Ricardo A. Perez – Parochial Vicar
Fr. Nirmal Costa – Part time Associate Pastor
Juan Rodriguez – Pastoral Associate/DFF/Youth Minister
Carmen Cruz – CFF
Conrado Gomez – Parish Council Rep.

Fr. Jerome T. Jecewiz – Pastor
Sr. Christine Scherer - DRE
Elizabeth Ciro –
Richard O’ Connor –

Fr. Patrick West – Pastor

Msgr. Michael Hardiman – Pastor
Jo Ann Dolan – Principal

Fr. Noel Moynihan – Pastor
Fr. Brendan Duggan – Parochial Vicar
Eileen Goetzger – DRE
Patricia Wise – Principal of Religious Ed

Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari – Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez – Parochial Vicar
Deacon Roberto S. Abundo –
Sr. Mary Jane Kelly - DRE
Norberto Saldana – Pastoral Associate/St Vincent de

                Paul Food Pantry\

1.     Opening Prayer
2.     Approval of Minutes - Summary of Minutes were approved
3.     Communication in the Deanery

a.        To better our communication, we are collecting the contact information of Staff Members, Trustees, and Parish Council representatives within our Deanery, to inform them of our meetings. It is important to send in the Parish Contact Form by Fax or Email.
b.       Pastors agreed to email Bulletins to each other.
c.        Fr Brian informed us that members of Parish Staff have a DioNet account. They must contact I.T. at the Diocese to activate it. Contact them at 718-965-7377 (Btwn 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM). DioNet is another way to inform the Members of the Deanery about our meeting and activities. Pastors could use it to post up items for discussion at Deanery Meetings, and activities of events in their parish.
4.       Couples Enrichment Workshop
a.         Fr. Ramon Salvedo, one of the Chaplain's with the VA Hospital, gave a presentation on their services to Catholic Couples who are veterans. This service is for veterans who served during the Korean War to the present. Services include: Marriage counseling, communication skills, and so much more. They could enroll by registering to the VA Hospital. Veterans would also receive Health Benefits, Home Loans, Insurance, Disability Compensation, Traumatic Injury Insurance, and more.
b.       Pastors of the Deanery shared their concerns
                                                               i.      Information provided by way of Pamphlets or Bulletin Blurbs should emphasize "Catholic Veterans who are married or seeking Marriage in the Church." It should emphasize marriage counseling. Lastly, it should state “for spouses”, not “partners”. Fr. Ramon took the information, and would get back to Fr. Brian.
5.       Faith Formation
a.        Pastors and Directors of Faith Formation gave a brief presentation about their parish programs.
b.       All Parishes are doing Sacramental Preparations for 1st to 8th grade. BVM- St. Mary is experimenting with their program to keep youth in Continued Religious Education.
c.        Parishes either have a youth group, young adult group, or a developing youth ministry.
                                                               i.      Parishes are working on Continuing Faith Formation for youth who have received Communion.
                                                              ii.      Parishes are working on Adult Faith Formation as a program (Family Catechesis), or through parish groups/ministries who can form families at home or within parish groups (Charismatic Renewal, Cursillo, Youth Group, & Bible Study Group).
                                                            iii.      In the future, parish Directors of Religious Education will come together to speak about Faith Formation.
6.       School Report
a.         St Sebastian's has 454 students enrolled. 2 Different scholarships were awarded to families.
                                                               i.       The first Scholarship was given to 33 families (about $33,000). The second was the Bishops Scholarship, which was given 13 families (about $13,000). Some of these families had children entering into the 8th Grade.
                                                              ii.       6 Families were given an Angel Scholarship (about $1,500)
                                                            iii.      Queen of Angels Church gave a Scholarship ($500)
                                                            iv.      A BVM-St. Mary's Scholarship is being created.
7.       Old Business
8.       New Business
a.        Food Pantry has seen an increase in Cliental. Directors of the Food Pantry believe it will grow due to the budget cuts in the city. Some Clients, who are not within our Deanery, are coming for resources. It was recommended that we inform Clients to go to their respective Food Pantries, or to seek resources at Catholic Charities.
b.       St. Raphael has a candidate for the Diaconate. His name is Rodrigo Mendez (Owner of Shalom Book Corp).They also have 3 candidates for the Pastoral Institute.
c.        St. Teresa is hosting "Dancing with the Community Stars" Nov 16th. The Fundraiser is to help 4 Community Services.
d.       Deacon Gilligan explained his role within our Deanery
                                                               i.      Liaison for the Vicar and Deanery
                                                              ii.      Support for the Deanery in matters of projects and planning
                                                            iii.      For parish resources
9.       Closing Prayer
Next Meeting - Thursday, December 12th 2013 at St Sebastian's