Welcome to
Deanery Queens 2 – part of the Diocese of Brooklyn structural planning for
parish collaboration and fellowship. We represent the parishes of Corpus
Christi, Queen of Angels, St. Mary – Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians, St.
Raphael, St. Sebastian, and St. Teresa.
As a Deanery we are called to envision and develop a plan of action that promotes our Catholic Christian Faith, and strengthens our work in serving the people of God. The image of the Cross represent our Faith in Christ, and the Rays of Light represent our Mission within the Deanery. Click on NEW DEANERY STRUCTURE for more details.
As a Deanery we are called to envision and develop a plan of action that promotes our Catholic Christian Faith, and strengthens our work in serving the people of God. The image of the Cross represent our Faith in Christ, and the Rays of Light represent our Mission within the Deanery. Click on NEW DEANERY STRUCTURE for more details.